Lure Anglers Canal Club
Klub Polish Anglers Association to nie tylko Polacy, w naszych szeregach są również angielscy wędkarze. Ich obecność w naszym klubie bardzo nas cieszy szczególnie, gdyż to my jesteśmy gośćmi na ich ziemi. Jeden z nich, nasz kolega Steve napisał specjalnie dla Was trochę informacji o klubie, do którego należy i jest w jego Zarządzie. Klub ten nazywa się “Lure Anglers Canal Club” i odpowiada za kanały, czyli za bardzo popularne wśród wędkarzy miejsca. W kanałach UK, które często mają po 1,2 metra głębokości można spotkać olbrzymie karpie, szczupaki, sandacze czy np. okonie.
Steve napisał dla Was trochę informacji o swoim klubie w języku angielskim także zachęcamy do lektury.
The LACC was started in November 2012 by John Cheyne and a few friends. Its initial purpose was ‘To provide lure anglers with a fishing club with its own waters and to hold friendly lure fishing matches.’
It has grown from that to be one of, if not the best, canal venues for lure fishing in the country, particularly for zander. There are stretches and seasons where fishing is better from time to time but there are always fish to be caught, whether you are looking to catch lots of small fish or you are after some real canal specimens. 30cm + Perch are distributed across the waters and run to about 40cm, as do 60cm + zander that go to 80cm+. There are pike around though the biggest fish are quite rare they do go over 100cm.
There has always been a very low population of chub in our waters and we have been trying to increase the population over the past few years. There are definite concentrations at Welsh Road and Lowsonford where we have been stocking them that have grown rapidly in size with the biggest ones over 30cm.
The initial water was just over 16km on the Grand Union through Warwick and Leamington but this has grown to nearly 50km with additions on the Grand Union and other canals.
The LACC has always been a friendly and inclusive club of over 200 members and has been steadily growing. We hold various friendly competitions during the year. Some are for members only but the annual Predator Pairs match is open to anyone and has a reputation for being one of the best open lure fishing competitions and attracts a range of anglers from different nationalities. In our members only pairs series we have 3 or 4 regular teams of Polish anglers and last year 2 or 3 from Romania. There is perhaps a trend for mixed nationality pairs?
The LACC is often used as an example of a properly run and managed club can cater for all canals anglers and we have some members who do not lure fish but use more traditional methods to catch carp, roach and bream.
If you want to find out more about the LACC then we have a web site –
And a FaceBook page –
The membership year starts on the 1st March and costs £22. Day tickets are also available online at £5.
Lure Anglers Canal Club